Full House

On January 1st after we had pried the last of the drunk teenagers from the house and the hangover from our ‘thank god 2020 is over’ party wore off, Mr18 packed up his room and went to live with his girlfriend in the city. It was closer to job opportunities and most importantly for him... Continue Reading →


*** Update*** They have found her, she is apparently safe but I haven't been given any more details at this point. Fingers crossed she gets some real help this time ! ****** If you're the thoughts and prayers type, can you send a few Miss S's way? She ran away from her carer again but... Continue Reading →

*Strangled Cat Noises*

I HATE not being able to fix things. I’m a fixer, that’s what I do. It’s my coping with chaos strategy: suck it up, see it out, hold back all the feeling stuff shit. God knows I’ve dealt with enough chaos to last a lifetime. Stay tuned for the current episode of our ongoing soap... Continue Reading →

Dear Mr 14…

Mr 15 has had a phone for a year, no dramas. He exchanges house work for credit and I can contact him in an emergency. Perfect. Mr 14 just got his first mobile phone, but unfortunately he is now using it to ring or message me All. The. Fucking. Time. Which could be looked at... Continue Reading →

Salty Air For The Soul

Mr 11 Graduated year 6 the other day, I can't believe my third born already starts high school in January! The school held a (very) small 5 minute ceremony where they handed out graduation certificates and then had a morning tea afterward. I've got to say I was a little bit disappointed, when Mr15 &... Continue Reading →

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